9月1日は、A Special Day for you ?

Congratulations! (おめでとう!) You can get a new life and many friends .加油〜♪(がんばって〜♪) & Have fun ! 「Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony」(ルーファウス歓迎式典) http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=JeWTVuoYoMw ※In Japan we generally sing "K…


I went to a "Spa" (温泉);a hot spring ...with my family. The Japanese like 温泉 and often go there to refresh ourselves with a hot spring in a relaxed atmosphere. There are two サウナ there . When I sweated in sauna , I felt an unhappy th…

北京オリンピック開会式 "Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony"


A test failure again 〜再び不合格〜

I failed in a second test...I would have passed it if I had one point more . T_TI have no confidence to pass next test in my ability ..(>I was tense on the interview test , and it is difficult for me.やる気が・・・消えて行きそう〜 It seems…

"たこ焼きパン" is so delicious .....

Today I bought "たこ焼きパン" in Bakery and ate it . It seems a huge takoyaki. Do you remember "takoyaki" in Osaka ? じゃーん!! 1個 160円 〜♪

Do you konw "大山(だいせん)"in 鳥取?

I went to the mountain "大山" in 鳥取.We transfered at Okayama Station (岡山駅)and get off a train in Yonago Station (米子駅). Maybe you know のぞみ... (^^; 新幹線I found the interesting curry at Yonago Station. "妖怪カレー" was sold…

野球観戦 "Watching Baseball Games "

It was cloudy/fine yesterday ..The baseball games were very fun !! At the time of seven rounds(7回戦), we flied "a yellow balloon " for support(応援). The whole dome was all in yellow and 綺麗です(^-^).When "Hawks" won, we shoot "a white …

The baseball tickets (ホークス戦) !

Soon I will go to the "福岡ドーム"(福岡Yahoo! JAPANドーム). Though I do not completely know a rule of the baseball, I'm going to enjoy watching the game in fukuoka.Personally,as for the baseball,I prefer "National High School Baseball Ch…

Thanks a lot !

Yesterday I took the English test !I wish to pass the test .....but even if I fail, thanks you ,Slayers san^^"感謝〜♪" We put our own mobile phone in yellow bag 【the identification of examination 】and we have to hung it from neck during …

Do you know "倉木麻衣"(Kuraki Mai ) ?

I introduce two music of "Mai Kuraki". 倉木 麻衣 ------ "Always"http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=R5lDTUKPgUM 倉木 麻衣 ------ "Secret of my heart "http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZUnVkYN2oE

このスピーチを見て元気になれるかな?This speech makes you cheerful ? 

This is good speech for you ,I think .. "Steve Jobs speech in Stanford, 2005" When you have free time , please watch the movie .http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=D1R-jKKp3NAor (http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/2464320-1239219672.html)http://news…

The things which is necessary for me to study .(^-^)

I started preparing for the test (英検)with the day before yesterday. Because it will be a test next month! So I try the English test in China;考試. I feel that it is difficult to understand the meaning of the Chinese problem , but the c…

"ふるふるシェイカー"を飲んでみた (炭酸ゼリージュース?)

Today I tried to drink "ふるふるシェーカー"(shaker) for the first time .... It is "Soda jelly juice". Though it is good as for feeling of it(食感), the taste is ・・・・ まずい・・・(T_T) ごめんなさい。薬品の味が強い〜 (I feel the stron…

A pair of  new shoes 〜♪

I got new shoes ! It is so comfortable. This shoes makes my leg more long. Oh, mistake ! Only my legs look long ...TT Though I was at a loss whether I got white one or black one , I chose black one . The reason is not to need to worry abou…

テスト.....頑張って下さい! Please relax.

落ち着いてテストを受けて下さい o('ー'o)♪ " You Raise Me Up" - The Lion King http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=TuPR41Ab_34&feature=related This song became famous ,because Ms.Shizuka Arakawa chose this music in Torino Olympics in Italy (2006). …


■日本ではどんな災害でも3日経てば救援体制が整います。支援物資の無償提供をする企業も多く、募金活動で集まる資金支援もあります。 阪神大震災の神戸、新潟県中越地震の山古志村では多くのボランティアの人達、自衛隊のサポートが復興に大きく貢献しまし…


Let me introduce "博多"(Hakata) in Fukuoka. This area is a commercial area ;"天神"(Tenjin)" . Tenjin has a underground shopping center,too.Because there is Fukuoka Airport near here , a lot of airplanes always fly in right above Tenjin do…

"National condolence day for a big earthquake of si chuan"

中国政府は地震後1週間となる5月19日から21日までの3日間を 「全国哀悼日」とし、中国全国民が喪に服しました。 インターネットの中国サイトのページはこの期間、哀悼の気持ちをこめて白黒基調となっていました。The Chinese government declared tha…


①四川大地震は日本時間の12日午後3時28分に発生 地震の規模はM7・8 被災者(死亡1万9509人、生き埋め2万5000人) ※「地震波」地球表面を2周 (※気象庁(長野市)の観測で地震の揺れが、 地球の表面を2周していたことが、分かった。 本来…


Mama, Thanks you ! Yesterday was "Mother's Day "♪ How about your "muqintjie" ?The second Sunday of May is "Mother's Day."(5月第2日曜日) And the secnod Sunday of June is "Father's Day";next month .We generally send carnations in Mother'…

路面電車 in 広島

This is a streetcar in Hiroshima . It is unusual for a streetcar to be left nationwide. As for the waiting time, because we don't need to almost wait, it is comfortable〜!! And no traffic jam ! And clean air ; no exhaust gas !I think tha…

"原爆ドーム"&"広島平和記念資料館 (通称:原爆資料館)"in HIROSHIMA .

原爆ドーム It was the second visit to Hiroshima for me . We learn about an atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima as Learning of the Peace since a primary schoolchild in Japan. (I actually have been to Nagasaki by a school trip.) 原…


You have 黄金周(huángjīn zhōu)5/1-5/7 in China ,don't you ?We have a similar holiday in Japan , too.We call it GW (Golden Week) .This year's GW is 4/26-5/6.Actually it is off-and-on holidays...The holidays during the Golden Week, it is a…

電子辞書ケース・・An electronic dictionary case

I bought "an electronic dictionary case "yesterday ....Though I expected that it is convenient , it is hard to use it very much. I believed that I can use with keeping an earphone and the USB cable set up , but actually it is impossible!I …

昨日の聖火Relay 。。。

Yesteday the sacred flame relay was at an end !On TV・・・ With the newspaper・・・ I hope Beijing Olympic go to the good direction.(^^)v

Today's Top News on TV   /  北京五輪の聖火到着

北京五輪の「聖火」が早朝午前6時5分、キャンベラ(オーストラリア)から中国国際航空のチャーター機で5人の聖火警備隊とともに羽田空港(東京)に到着しました。 3月のチベット暴動から各国の聖火リレー妨害が相次いでいるので、警視庁は空港内外に機動隊…


This is a Chinese tea of the present from Shanghai .I've not seen such a beautiful tea before !I don't know the tea name. The taste seemed to be oolong tea(ウーロン茶). The Japanese green tea isn't a tea to enjoy the beauty of the tea fig…

桜が散り始めました・・・・ Cherry blossoms began to fall.

Today's picture is "色々な和菓子(わがし)" The pink rice cake wrapped with the cherry leaf is 桜餅(さくらもち) . We can eat easily recently ,because of skewer. (It's new style of 桜餅) I love strawberry Daifuku(苺大福)(いちごだいふく…


Have you ever eaten "Okonomiyaki"??You have eaten "たこ焼き(たこやき)" when you visited Osaka , haven't you?Both of them has a similar taste of saurce .Can you remember that taste ?

Sakura is in full blossom now〜♪

I took a snapshot of sakura yesterday .Please watch the cherry blossom.You feel spring ?The Japanese really love a cherry tree. Do you know "桜餅(さくらもち)"? It is one of the Japanese sweets (called 和菓子(わがし)), and it is pink …