

Let me introduce "博多"(Hakata) in Fukuoka. This area is a commercial area ;"天神"(Tenjin)" . Tenjin has a underground shopping center,too.Because there is Fukuoka Airport near here , a lot of airplanes always fly in right above Tenjin do…

"National condolence day for a big earthquake of si chuan"

中国政府は地震後1週間となる5月19日から21日までの3日間を 「全国哀悼日」とし、中国全国民が喪に服しました。 インターネットの中国サイトのページはこの期間、哀悼の気持ちをこめて白黒基調となっていました。The Chinese government declared tha…


①四川大地震は日本時間の12日午後3時28分に発生 地震の規模はM7・8 被災者(死亡1万9509人、生き埋め2万5000人) ※「地震波」地球表面を2周 (※気象庁(長野市)の観測で地震の揺れが、 地球の表面を2周していたことが、分かった。 本来…


Mama, Thanks you ! Yesterday was "Mother's Day "♪ How about your "muqintjie" ?The second Sunday of May is "Mother's Day."(5月第2日曜日) And the secnod Sunday of June is "Father's Day";next month .We generally send carnations in Mother'…

路面電車 in 広島

This is a streetcar in Hiroshima . It is unusual for a streetcar to be left nationwide. As for the waiting time, because we don't need to almost wait, it is comfortable〜!! And no traffic jam ! And clean air ; no exhaust gas !I think tha…

"原爆ドーム"&"広島平和記念資料館 (通称:原爆資料館)"in HIROSHIMA .

原爆ドーム It was the second visit to Hiroshima for me . We learn about an atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima as Learning of the Peace since a primary schoolchild in Japan. (I actually have been to Nagasaki by a school trip.) 原…


You have 黄金周(huángjīn zhōu)5/1-5/7 in China ,don't you ?We have a similar holiday in Japan , too.We call it GW (Golden Week) .This year's GW is 4/26-5/6.Actually it is off-and-on holidays...The holidays during the Golden Week, it is a…

電子辞書ケース・・An electronic dictionary case

I bought "an electronic dictionary case "yesterday ....Though I expected that it is convenient , it is hard to use it very much. I believed that I can use with keeping an earphone and the USB cable set up , but actually it is impossible!I …