
昨日の聖火Relay 。。。

Yesteday the sacred flame relay was at an end !On TV・・・ With the newspaper・・・ I hope Beijing Olympic go to the good direction.(^^)v

Today's Top News on TV   /  北京五輪の聖火到着

北京五輪の「聖火」が早朝午前6時5分、キャンベラ(オーストラリア)から中国国際航空のチャーター機で5人の聖火警備隊とともに羽田空港(東京)に到着しました。 3月のチベット暴動から各国の聖火リレー妨害が相次いでいるので、警視庁は空港内外に機動隊…


This is a Chinese tea of the present from Shanghai .I've not seen such a beautiful tea before !I don't know the tea name. The taste seemed to be oolong tea(ウーロン茶). The Japanese green tea isn't a tea to enjoy the beauty of the tea fig…

桜が散り始めました・・・・ Cherry blossoms began to fall.

Today's picture is "色々な和菓子(わがし)" The pink rice cake wrapped with the cherry leaf is 桜餅(さくらもち) . We can eat easily recently ,because of skewer. (It's new style of 桜餅) I love strawberry Daifuku(苺大福)(いちごだいふく…


Have you ever eaten "Okonomiyaki"??You have eaten "たこ焼き(たこやき)" when you visited Osaka , haven't you?Both of them has a similar taste of saurce .Can you remember that taste ?

Sakura is in full blossom now〜♪

I took a snapshot of sakura yesterday .Please watch the cherry blossom.You feel spring ?The Japanese really love a cherry tree. Do you know "桜餅(さくらもち)"? It is one of the Japanese sweets (called 和菓子(わがし)), and it is pink …

Do you know a "Mind Map" ? (マインド・マップ)?

I don't like study the subject to memorize very much. I knew a method to learn efficiently recently. Please try it !At first you draw a theme centrally and then open the branch of the idea radially (放射状)(ほうしゃじょう). If you draw il…