
A test failure again 〜再び不合格〜

I failed in a second test...I would have passed it if I had one point more . T_TI have no confidence to pass next test in my ability ..(>I was tense on the interview test , and it is difficult for me.やる気が・・・消えて行きそう〜 It seems…

"たこ焼きパン" is so delicious .....

Today I bought "たこ焼きパン" in Bakery and ate it . It seems a huge takoyaki. Do you remember "takoyaki" in Osaka ? じゃーん!! 1個 160円 〜♪

Do you konw "大山(だいせん)"in 鳥取?

I went to the mountain "大山" in 鳥取.We transfered at Okayama Station (岡山駅)and get off a train in Yonago Station (米子駅). Maybe you know のぞみ... (^^; 新幹線I found the interesting curry at Yonago Station. "妖怪カレー" was sold…

野球観戦 "Watching Baseball Games "

It was cloudy/fine yesterday ..The baseball games were very fun !! At the time of seven rounds(7回戦), we flied "a yellow balloon " for support(応援). The whole dome was all in yellow and 綺麗です(^-^).When "Hawks" won, we shoot "a white …

The baseball tickets (ホークス戦) !

Soon I will go to the "福岡ドーム"(福岡Yahoo! JAPANドーム). Though I do not completely know a rule of the baseball, I'm going to enjoy watching the game in fukuoka.Personally,as for the baseball,I prefer "National High School Baseball Ch…

Thanks a lot !

Yesterday I took the English test !I wish to pass the test .....but even if I fail, thanks you ,Slayers san^^"感謝〜♪" We put our own mobile phone in yellow bag 【the identification of examination 】and we have to hung it from neck during …