野球観戦 "Watching Baseball Games "

It was cloudy/fine yesterday ..

The baseball games were very fun !!
At the time of seven rounds(7回戦), we flied "a yellow
balloon " for support(応援).
The whole dome was all in yellow and 綺麗です(^-^).

When "Hawks" won, we shoot "a white balloon "
in celebration of victory.
This is baseball support-style .

YesterdayI was able to watch 3 fireworks in the dome because
SoftBank Hawks won with 6 to 8! It was nice ! A lucky day ~

We can get an original uniform as a prsent during " The hawks festival "for three days.
うちわ と 携帯クリーナーも配っていましたよ!


勝利の空へ 藤井フミヤ
