
The New Year really comes immediately.

1年はあっという間です。早っ!!! One year is very short time, I think... Almost already! ! ! お正月の準備をしないといけないのですが、まずは体操を! いち、に、さん! I should prepare for New Year holidays.... But at first I will do exerci…


Happy X'mas ! ♪クリスマスソング♪〜大好き〜!★「マラリアキャリ− 恋人たちのクリスマス」★ ★伊藤由奈's version★ http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/2i9g61jc5z0/ ★「カノン(パッヘルベル)」★http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/F84G_CR7zeU/ http://…


ありがとう〜英検〜合格しました! なんとかギリギリで合格しました〜本当に・・・「多謝」なのです〜英検の結果と合格証を公開します (^−^)v

USJ (ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン)に、 行ったよ〜!!!

I will show you the pictures of USJ in Osaka ...Have you been there ? This is a nice show of Christmas ! "天使のくれた奇跡 USJ "の後半部分(second half)です。 とっても素敵なショーでしたぁ〜〜〜♪Soon Christmas will come ! I wish you a merry…

Trick or Treat !  ハロウィンのカボチャ〜〜〜〜〜♪

「jack-o'-lantern」Tomorrow is "Halloween ", isn't it ? This is the Pumpkin's work which I made with my friends.. Though it isn't frightening at all...(T_T)After work, we ate a big pizza deliveried with Coca-Cola. """" HAPPY HALLOWEEN ! ""…

The moral education is very important !

日本の教育で求められること〜 (*^0^*) The moral education is very important ! 1980年代の話です。。。その頃アメリカは経済の停滞期で日本企業に優良資産が次々と買収されていました。その時20〜30代の若者達は新しい産業をスタートさせまし…

The lunch which I ate recently.......(^^; +cookies 9/27

I will explain these pictures ....Sushi,Salad noodles (Salad-like noodles ?),Cookies 寿司, サラダうどん(サラダ風うどん),クッキー Chinese food (酢豚+エビチリ+杏仁豆腐+スープ) 中華料理Is this the vending machine which evolved? これって…


キセキ GReeeeN http://vision.ameba.jp/watch.do?movie=915864


I bought three "問題集s"of English and two Chinese ones in a bookstore. It is in total 5. When I found a title of the book "TOEIC テスト 高速メソッド リーディング",I was very interested in words "the high speed ". Of course this is a 問題…

9月1日は、A Special Day for you ?

Congratulations! (おめでとう!) You can get a new life and many friends .加油〜♪(がんばって〜♪) & Have fun ! 「Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony」(ルーファウス歓迎式典) http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=JeWTVuoYoMw ※In Japan we generally sing "K…


I went to a "Spa" (温泉);a hot spring ...with my family. The Japanese like 温泉 and often go there to refresh ourselves with a hot spring in a relaxed atmosphere. There are two サウナ there . When I sweated in sauna , I felt an unhappy th…

北京オリンピック開会式 "Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony"


A test failure again 〜再び不合格〜

I failed in a second test...I would have passed it if I had one point more . T_TI have no confidence to pass next test in my ability ..(>I was tense on the interview test , and it is difficult for me.やる気が・・・消えて行きそう〜 It seems…

"たこ焼きパン" is so delicious .....

Today I bought "たこ焼きパン" in Bakery and ate it . It seems a huge takoyaki. Do you remember "takoyaki" in Osaka ? じゃーん!! 1個 160円 〜♪

Do you konw "大山(だいせん)"in 鳥取?

I went to the mountain "大山" in 鳥取.We transfered at Okayama Station (岡山駅)and get off a train in Yonago Station (米子駅). Maybe you know のぞみ... (^^; 新幹線I found the interesting curry at Yonago Station. "妖怪カレー" was sold…

野球観戦 "Watching Baseball Games "

It was cloudy/fine yesterday ..The baseball games were very fun !! At the time of seven rounds(7回戦), we flied "a yellow balloon " for support(応援). The whole dome was all in yellow and 綺麗です(^-^).When "Hawks" won, we shoot "a white …

The baseball tickets (ホークス戦) !

Soon I will go to the "福岡ドーム"(福岡Yahoo! JAPANドーム). Though I do not completely know a rule of the baseball, I'm going to enjoy watching the game in fukuoka.Personally,as for the baseball,I prefer "National High School Baseball Ch…

Thanks a lot !

Yesterday I took the English test !I wish to pass the test .....but even if I fail, thanks you ,Slayers san^^"感謝〜♪" We put our own mobile phone in yellow bag 【the identification of examination 】and we have to hung it from neck during …

Do you know "倉木麻衣"(Kuraki Mai ) ?

I introduce two music of "Mai Kuraki". 倉木 麻衣 ------ "Always"http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=R5lDTUKPgUM 倉木 麻衣 ------ "Secret of my heart "http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZUnVkYN2oE

このスピーチを見て元気になれるかな?This speech makes you cheerful ? 

This is good speech for you ,I think .. "Steve Jobs speech in Stanford, 2005" When you have free time , please watch the movie .http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=D1R-jKKp3NAor (http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/2464320-1239219672.html)http://news…

The things which is necessary for me to study .(^-^)

I started preparing for the test (英検)with the day before yesterday. Because it will be a test next month! So I try the English test in China;考試. I feel that it is difficult to understand the meaning of the Chinese problem , but the c…

"ふるふるシェイカー"を飲んでみた (炭酸ゼリージュース?)

Today I tried to drink "ふるふるシェーカー"(shaker) for the first time .... It is "Soda jelly juice". Though it is good as for feeling of it(食感), the taste is ・・・・ まずい・・・(T_T) ごめんなさい。薬品の味が強い〜 (I feel the stron…

A pair of  new shoes 〜♪

I got new shoes ! It is so comfortable. This shoes makes my leg more long. Oh, mistake ! Only my legs look long ...TT Though I was at a loss whether I got white one or black one , I chose black one . The reason is not to need to worry abou…

テスト.....頑張って下さい! Please relax.

落ち着いてテストを受けて下さい o('ー'o)♪ " You Raise Me Up" - The Lion King http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=TuPR41Ab_34&feature=related This song became famous ,because Ms.Shizuka Arakawa chose this music in Torino Olympics in Italy (2006). …


■日本ではどんな災害でも3日経てば救援体制が整います。支援物資の無償提供をする企業も多く、募金活動で集まる資金支援もあります。 阪神大震災の神戸、新潟県中越地震の山古志村では多くのボランティアの人達、自衛隊のサポートが復興に大きく貢献しまし…


Let me introduce "博多"(Hakata) in Fukuoka. This area is a commercial area ;"天神"(Tenjin)" . Tenjin has a underground shopping center,too.Because there is Fukuoka Airport near here , a lot of airplanes always fly in right above Tenjin do…

"National condolence day for a big earthquake of si chuan"

中国政府は地震後1週間となる5月19日から21日までの3日間を 「全国哀悼日」とし、中国全国民が喪に服しました。 インターネットの中国サイトのページはこの期間、哀悼の気持ちをこめて白黒基調となっていました。The Chinese government declared tha…


①四川大地震は日本時間の12日午後3時28分に発生 地震の規模はM7・8 被災者(死亡1万9509人、生き埋め2万5000人) ※「地震波」地球表面を2周 (※気象庁(長野市)の観測で地震の揺れが、 地球の表面を2周していたことが、分かった。 本来…


Mama, Thanks you ! Yesterday was "Mother's Day "♪ How about your "muqintjie" ?The second Sunday of May is "Mother's Day."(5月第2日曜日) And the secnod Sunday of June is "Father's Day";next month .We generally send carnations in Mother'…

路面電車 in 広島

This is a streetcar in Hiroshima . It is unusual for a streetcar to be left nationwide. As for the waiting time, because we don't need to almost wait, it is comfortable〜!! And no traffic jam ! And clean air ; no exhaust gas !I think tha…