The things which is necessary for me to study .(^-^)

I started preparing for the test (英検)with the day
before yesterday. Because it will be a test next month!
So I try the English test in China;考試.
I feel that it is difficult to understand the meaning of the
Chinese problem , but the contents of the exam are so good !
The English expression that came out on a test seems to be
useful at the time of conversation. 

It is fun ,,,I will try all of them ^^

This is a recent favorite "ball-point pen "to be able to delete.
(made in Pilot, and it costs 180 yen )

This is favorite sweets "なんばん往来"(南蛮往来).
It is a famous cake in Fukuoka ,I think ....

"南蛮(なんばん)" means "Portugal/ Spain",
"往来(おうらい)" means "going and coming "