
I bought three "問題集s"of English and two Chinese ones
in a bookstore. It is in total 5.
When I found a title of the book "TOEIC テスト 高速メソッド 
リーディング",I was very interested in words "the high speed ".
Of course this is a 問題集 for TOEIC. But it is good for me
to get this skill , I think .
In the 問題集 it was written that "It is easy for us to remember it immediately if we memorized it at high speed.........
It's a good information ! And maybe a good 問題集 !

Furthermore, I bought the 問題集 of "準1級" for the future.too.
Probably it seems to take more time to take the test of 準1級.


  Take a look !

  The height is 8.5cm........

では、ガンバリマ〜ス!  (*^∀^*)