
You have 黄金周(huángjīn zhōu)5/1-5/7 in China ,don't you ?

We have a similar holiday in Japan , too.

We call it GW (Golden Week) .

This year's GW is 4/26-5/6.

Actually it is off-and-on holidays...

The holidays during the Golden Week,

it is as follows

  4月29日 (昭和の日)  Day of the Showa era
  5月 1日 (メーデー)  May Day
  5月 3日 (憲法記念日) Constitution Memorial Day
  5月 5日 (こどもの日) Children's Day

 Have a good time (the rest of your G.W) !

 Please enjoy this music in free time !(*^∀^*)